Reading Annotation 9

Ruha Benjamin’s “Race After Technology” chapters 4 and 5 “I see this as a call to rewrite dominant cultural codes rather than simply to code-switch. It is a call to embed new values and new social relations into the world.” page 182 This book by Ruha Benjamin was honestly a very interesting read. As manyContinue reading “Reading Annotation 9”

Reading Annotation 8

Ruha Benjamin “Race After Technology” chapters 2&3 “Some technologies fail to see Blackness, while other render Black people hyper visible and expose them systems of racial surveillance.” (page 99) These couple of chapters from Benjamin’s book, I thought, were the most interesting so far. The author really delves into how technologies are seemingly designing eitherContinue reading “Reading Annotation 8”

Reading Annotation 7

Ruha Benjamin’s “Race After Technology” Intro and Chapter 1 “Race as a form of technology– the sorting, establishment, and enforcement of racial hierarchies with real consequences– is embodied into robots…” (page 53) After only reading about the first 70 pages of Benjamin’s book, I can say I am very excited to see where the bookContinue reading “Reading Annotation 7”

Reading Annotation Blog 6

Safiya Noble’s Chapters 5,6, and Conclusion “Media stereotypes, which include search engine results, not only mask the unequal access to social, political, and economic life in the United States as broken down by race, gender, and sexuality; they maintain it.” (page 155) The ending of “Algorithms of Oppression” by Safiya Noble, was very interesting andContinue reading “Reading Annotation Blog 6”

Reading Annotation #5

Safiya Noble Chapter’s 2-4 “We need people designing technologies for society to have training and an education on the histories of marginalized people, at a minimum, and we need them working alongside people with rigorous training and preparation from the social sciences and humanities.” (70) These few chapters of Noble’s book Algorithms of Oppression coveredContinue reading “Reading Annotation #5”

Reading Annotation Blog #4

Safiya Noble’s Intro and 1st Chapter “In reality, information monopolies such as Google have the ability to prioritize web search results on the basis of a variety of topics, such as promoting their own business interests over those of competition or smaller companies that are less profitable advertising clients than larger multinational corporations are.” (pageContinue reading “Reading Annotation Blog #4”

Reading Annotation #3

Duarte’s Chapters 6 & 7 “This research has shown me that tribal command of broadband infrastructures and services undergirds the greater goal of helping Native peoples connect, communicate, and share information and knowledge critical to their survival after the century of disconnection enforced by early US industrialization and technological advance.” (page 137) In today’s societyContinue reading “Reading Annotation #3”

Reading Annotation #2

Duarte’s Chapters 3-5 “Thus it is important to approach Indigenous digital endeavors as creative efforts to apply tools and techniques to addressing local needs and establishing a direction into a locally imagined future.” (pages 68-69) In these few chapters of Marissa Elena Duarte’s book Network Sovereignty, she informs the reader of various native ICT projectsContinue reading “Reading Annotation #2”

Reading Annotation Blog #1

Duarte’s Chapters 1-2 “A scientist may be able to look at a network map of, for example, the Internet service providers across the western United States in 1998 and observe features such as the asymmetry of distribution of service across regions or the density of connections in cities.” (pages 29-30). Personally, I loved reading MarissaContinue reading “Reading Annotation Blog #1”

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